Axiological rationality and disenchantment of the world. New interpretations of Max Weber’s “Entzauberung”


  • Leonardo Allodi Università degli Studi di Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali



Rationality, Facts and Values, Disenchantment of the World, Hans Joas, Robert Spaemann


How do Max Weber’s works deal with “the philosophical problem of our time”, that is, the claim to define a field, both in society and in history, in which an action different from the zweckrational type can and must exist? And, within it, what role does a “non-consequentialist” conception of axiological rationality play ? There is an “implicit text” in Weber’s writings which can be understood from the perspectives of M. Scheler, L. Strauss, R. Boudon. And, in particular, from the very recent interpretations by R. Spaemann and H. Jonas on the concept of “disenchantment of the world”. “With Weber and beyond Weber” implies to acknowledge in advance that the question on the “normativity of reality” is preeminent insofar it allows to overcome the split between “facts and values”, which ultimately does not allow us to understand how “the reality of the fact cannot be separate from its quality” (R. Aron).



How to Cite

Allodi, Leonardo. “Axiological Rationality and Disenchantment of the World. New Interpretations of Max Weber’s ‘Entzauberung’”. Acta Philosophica 29, no. 2 (September 30, 2020): 313–330. Accessed October 22, 2024.



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